DHWT v1.0 (Alpha 1) User Guide


0. Goals
1. Differances
2. Architecture
3. Installation

0. Goals

The goals of DHWT (Dynamic HTML Window Toolkit) project are to provide a set of JSP tags which can easily build some complex dynamic HTML page affects.


1. Differences from JavaServerTM Faces Technology

JavaServerTM Faces is the technology that enables developers to ˇ°assembling reusable UI components in a page, connecting these components to an application data source, and wiring client-generated events to server-side event handlersˇ±

Though JSF provides JSP tags and using dynamic HTML to build its components, the core issues JSF cares about is how these client-generated events are handled by server-side event handlers. However DHWT does not care about any event handling flow, DHWT only cares and is responsible for rendering complex client page affects, such as floating navigation menu or transparent pull-down menu, and these affects are much more special and cooler than those basic X-Windows components provided by JSF. Actually you also can use DHWT to generate page affect you want then produce client-events and give them to JSF to handle.

2. Architecture

3. Installation

3.1 Prerequisite software

The DHWT binary distribution needs two other software packages installed to operate. You may already have these installed on your system.

3.2 Install A DHWT Binary Distribution

First, download a binary distribution of DHWT from here. Unpack the DHWT binary distribution to a convenient directory. The distribution consists of the following contents.

To use DHWT in your own application, you will need to follow these steps:


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